Sports News

IHSAA to allow virtual students to play sports

It looks like high school student-athletes that are taking online courses to start the fall semester will still be able to participate in sports.


The Indiana High School Athletic Association sent a letter to all athletic directors in Indiana, informing them of a change to a by-law. It says if a school is offering virtual or online courses this fall semester, and it’s taught by a member school personnel, they can still participate in sports.


However, “local control decision making permit a school to set a requirement above the standard set forth by the IHSAA. For instance, a school may still require in-building attendance for athletic participation.”


The letter also noted that “if a third party is delivering instruction to your students (teachers not employed by your school), and the percentage of courses being taught is over 30% of total number of courses offered, a waiver –for the school, not the athlete — is required from the IHSAA.”



