Fulton County emergency call to action

Effective Thursday, March 19th, all Fulton County offices and facilities, excluding the Courthouse, will be closed to the public.  People who need to conduct business with the county will be allowed to do so on a case by case basis by making an appointment with the respective county office, who will determine if it warrants personal interaction. Notices will be posted on building doors with phone numbers to call to reach someone inside to discuss their business needs.


For Employees:

No out-of-town meetings unless it is an emergency or approved in advance.


Board meetings will be closed to the public and departments; media only.


It is recommended that employees with underlying conditions get a note from their primary care provider with a recommended course of action. If you have trouble getting an appointment with the doctor the original diagnostic documentation can be used instead. A doctor recommendation would be required if the employee is requesting extended time away from work due to illness.


Employees with symptoms (documented by a Dr. note) to be off of work will be granted up to 10 days off with pay. If after 10 days the employee is not ready to return to work the situation will have to be reevaluated.


Department heads must document the attendance due to COVID-19 related outbreak in the case there may be reimbursement from State or Federal Government at a later date.


Thank you for your patience and understanding,



