Rochester BZA votes against special exception for proposed Manitou Crossing

A special exception for a proposed $81 million dollar mixed-use Rochester development was denied by the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals this week.


In a meeting moved to the Fulton County Fairgrounds the BZA considered the request from Andis Dimants, managing director and managing broker of Chicago-based RealtyMetrix that would have allowed for over 600 apartments, retail and commercial space at State Roads 25 and 31.  The ordinance states a special exception must be established within one year.  Dimants was looking at up to five years for the completion of Manitou Crossing.


The site was within the General Commercial Dstrict. 


During the meeting Dimants spoke about the project having space for four hotels right off 31, six spaces for commercial buildings, and four different spaces, each housing 11 apartment buildings, bringing the total to 660 apartments.  Dimants spoke about one of the commercial spaces being donated to the community for something such a YMCA, a medical facility, or something along those lines. 


After Dimants finished his presentation the floor was opened for those in favor of the project to speak.  One man spoke in favor of the project stating that there is a lack of rental space available in Fulton County and spoke of a client he works for willing to move business into at least one of the commercial spaces.


The floor was then opened for those opposed to this project.  During this time several different citizens stood to talk with general concerns like an increase in crime rate, lowering of property cost to the homes along Old US 31, a population increase of 1,800 to 2,500, tax increases to cover the cost of the project, not enough employment opportunities for the population increase, utility price increases and the fact that INDOT plans to close off other entrances to Rochester which would only leave the intersection of State Roads 25 and 31 as a north and southbound entrance into Rochester.


The BZA voted unanimously, 5-0, to deny the special request for the Manitou Crossing Project.


The Fulton County Commissioners gave their go-ahead blessing to the proposed development back in September.



