RHS Juniors raise awareness about the homeless

Thanksgiving week often brings thoughts of friends and families gathering together for a meal to give thanks. Recently, Rochester High School Juniors learned a little more about what they should be thankful for in their American Studies class taught by teachers Hope Showley and Jesse Atkinson.


Teaming with Lindsay Barts and the Lady Bug Foundation on a community project for Fulton County HOPE to raise awareness about the homeless, Showley felt like November being National Homeless Awareness Month, was the perfect time.



On Tuesday, Showley and Atkinson took each class to sit on the courthouse lawn to demonstrate and raise awarenenss on the homeless situation, teaching students not only the curriculum, but also empathy.


Junior MaKenna Jackson said the experience has opened her eyes and made her a little more thankful this holiday season. 



Student Jake Seuferer was more shocked by how close to home the problem actually was. 






