FEDCO executive director Michael Ladd settles into Rochester

New to Rochester but not to business, FEDCO's new executive director Michael Ladd moved across the state with big plans in mind for Rochester's economic growth and business expansion in the future.


Having decades of experience in business across the state of Indiana, Ladd hopes to bring fresh energy to Fulton County. 



Growing up in southern Illinois and graduating from Southern Illinois University, Ladd began his career by moving to Indiana for the first time in 1978. Ladd used his journalism degree for a few years and worked for a newspaper in Mount Vernon. Then he decided to make a career change by becoming the Metropolitian Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce's Manager for Governmental Affairs. Discovering a new passion while gaining wisdom and experience, Ladd built momentum up to his business career when he accepted a position in East Chicago, Indiana as executive director, where he would remain the next decade.


Since, Ladd has also gained experience while working with the city of Marion to run their Main Street program, the Indianapolis Urban Enterprise Association, and the New Albany Enterprise Association, before deciding to give Rochester a shot as his next venture. 



Still getting to know the area and studying the community, Ladd said there's many avenue's he plans on taking to bring in more revenue to Rochester. The first challenge Ladd wants to tackle is housing. 



Believing in the power of visualization to bring in visitors by continuing to beautify the downtown area, showcase the restaurants and create more public art, Ladd hopes to start an arts commission to help get the ball rolling. 



Just getting started, Ladd hopes the seed he plants in Fulton County is one that will bring growth to the community for years to come. 



(Ladd spoke with community members during a reception that welcomed the new executive director on Feb 1 at the Arlington Public House.)



