Rochester Police ready to inspect golf carts for registration

The Rochester Police Department has released the following information regarding golf cart registration in the city.


Please share with your neighbors and friends. We will begin the golf cart registration process on Monday, June 5. Your golf cart must first be inspected by an officer to be sure it has all of the required equipment. You can either bring your golf cart to the police department, or call the police department and we will send an officer to your residence.


Once the inspection is complete, you will be given the permit application and a copy of the ordinance. You will bring the permit application, along with the $100 registration fee, to the police department between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, pay your registration fee and receive your registration sticker. If that time from does not work for you, please call the police department at 574-223-3313 to schedule a time that works best for everyone.


Payment must be made by cash or a check made payable to "City of Rochester".


Required equipment for your golf cart includes the following:

- Rearview AND side view mirrors

- Brake lights and turn signals

- Bright orange flag affixed to the rear of the golf cart that is a minimum of six feet in height from the roadway

- Slow moving vehicle placard that conforms to the provisions of Indiana Code 9-21-9-2, affixed to the rear of the golf cart

- Head lights and tail lights, if operated after dark or before dawn

- A flashing light, affixed to the highest point of the golf cart, on at all times (day or night)


You must also provide proof of insurance at the time of inspection. And only persons holding a valid driver's license may operate a golf cart on city streets.


If you would like a complete copy of the ordinance prior to your inspection, please stop by the police department to pick one up.


Please do not call the police department for your inspection until it has all of the required equipment. If your golf cart does not have all of the required equipment, lighting kits may be found and ordered online.



