Awakened Massage brings the elements of healing together with lakeside massages

Certified massage therapist Shaun Henderson-Vigil  is making big waves in his career after planting his business 'Awakened Massage' at his newest official location next to the Lilly Pad Boutique in Rochester.

Henderson-Vigil's lakeside studio is now open to the community, combining all of the elements in one place for a once in a lifetime massage experience. 



Practicing massage therapy professionally for more than seven years, Henderson-Vigil says, to him, its more than just a job, it's a passion. 



Understanding the body, muscles and what it takes to heal, Henderson-Vigil's massages are already getting positive responses. Opening his doors for the first time this month, the studio has already opened doors for Vigil-Henderson and new clientell, who have already begun recommending him to family, friends and even a chiropractor for healing.


Available seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for now as he gets his business going, appointments can be made by contacting Henderson-Vigil at 574-835-5432 or email awakenedmassage@gmail.com. 


Appointments range from 60 minute sessions for $60 or 90 minute massages for $75. 




