The Outlet Youth Center continues to expand and extend its hand out to Rochester youth

The Outlet Youth Center is keeping local youth busy this summer, having more than doubled attendance since last year.

From free movies at The Times Theater, free bowling at Jrs Country Lanes, parties and more - to some the Outlet Youth Center is providing more than just a good time, it's providing stability.



Patience Hisey, Director of The Outlet Youth Center, provided an update Tuesday night at Rochester City Hall during the Rochester City Council meeting about just what the center has provided to those kids in need.

Purchasing ten new pairs of tennis shoes for certain kids meant replacing old shoes held together by duct tape, Hisey said. Having already served 115 lunches so far this summer, Hisey's main priority is keeping kids safe.

The Outlet Youth Center has also invested in 10 summer passes to the Rochester City Pool, a place that is fun for most but can be a sanctuary for others needing somewhere to go.  



With over two acres and 10,740 square feet at their newest location on Apache Drive, the new facility has allowed The Outlet to expand on multiple levels in the past year. Recently, Taylor Showley was hired as Director of Operations. Hisey, taking the center another step further, is hoping to host the Rochester High School Alternative School during the upcoming school year. 



Along with The Outlet's growth, however, also comes the costs. Hoping to partner with local businesses, programs and more, The Outlet Youth Center is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization currently in need of donations. 



Whether it be a big or small donation, all is appreciated and helpful. Those interested in giving to The Youth Outlet Center can do so by visiting https://www.theoutletyouthcenter.org/donate. 





