Future of Rochester Moose Lodge focus of Monday meeting

A meeting Monday night will detail the next step for the Rochester Moose Lodge 1107.

Earlier this month, Moose International closed the Rochester lodge. The move prompted a letter from now-past President Grant Downs to social media:




A postcard mailer notified members and the community to a special town hall meeting scheduled for Monday.  Signed by Territory Manager Jesse Germany, the card indicated that a special membership meeting will take place at the lodge and a vote shall be held that decides whether or not to retain the charter. If the lodge votes to retain the carter and reorganize, a board of officers will be appointed to serve until April 30, 2024.  The card says the board would, "profitably operate the lodge in compliance with the General Lawsof The Moose."

The postcard says that all qualified members desiring to hold office shoudl attend.

The Territory Manager, Regional Manager and State Liasion are expected to attend the meeting, answer questions and assist the lodge.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.

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