Town residents stuck in 'mail limbo' after Kewanna Post Office closing last month

It's been over a month since the Kewanna Post Office closed its doors after OSHA had deemed the building at 203 E Main Street unsafe.

Prior to the close, residents of Kewanna only had access to their mail from PO boxes. Although rural residents of Kewanna continue to get street delivery of their mail, the only option to receive mail for those living in town is by picking it up at the Rochester Post Office. That's 17 miles away. 

For people like Charlie Rude, Kewanna Union Township Public Library Director, the closing of the post office has been a costly hassle. Attending the Kewanna Town Council meeting on Thursday, Rude explained how the library was now spending around $100 a month extra just to pick up their mail in Rochester.

As the town continues to be stuck in limbo over the fate of their post office, Rude says the costs are adding up and only hurting the residents of Kewanna. 


Rude says he continues to update Indiana Congressman Rudy Yakym. He says after a month, the town of Kewanna deserves some answers.

Rude requested town council members to help him speed things along by petitioning for a resolution to the issue, something Kewanna Town Council president Doran Collins agreed with.

After discussion, and a motion in favor to support the idea during Thursday's meeting, attorney Andrew Perkins agreed to write a formal resolution to send as the official community response to figure out the next step in getting Kewanna residents mail delivered, whether it be with Kewanna having its own post office or not. 





