Taylor Showley settling in as Outlet Youth Center executive director

The Outlet Youth Center has made some big changes in 2023.

From settling in to their newest location at 491 Apache Drive, to a change of hands for the center's executive director. On October 23, The Outlet Youth Center board announced that Taylor Showley would be taking over as executive director. 

The Outlet Youth Center is a faith-based, youth driven, community minded, safe place for the youth of Fulton County that was launched by former Executive Director Patience Hisey in 2018. With community partnerships and programming that provides structure to the kids, the original idea of The Outlet Youth Center was to provide a place that would encourage teens and preteens to make positive life choices. 

Showley began volunteering at The Outlet Youth Center in 2020 with Hisey, and quickly found a passion for helping the youth in the community. 



When Hisey left the center this past September, Showley said stepping up to the plate as exectutive director was something that just fell in to place naturally. 



She is hands on with the kids for the after school program from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Showley keeps students busy with the clubs that include art, chess, STEM club and more. She also provides transportation, picking up kids with The Outlet Youth Center van to take them home in the evening. 

A hot dinner is also served every evening to the kids.

At the end of some days, Showley says the kids she works with have taught her more than she ever could have realized. 



Having her hands full now as executive director, Showley encourages anyone wanting to help with the center to reach out at 574-223-5437. 

Showley says the dedicated volunteers who help, along with donations from the community keep the Outlet Youth Center running smoothly as it continues to grow. 







