Argos schools receive funds to fight childhood food insecurity

To further shine a spotlight on childhood food insecurity, Argos Community Schools accepted a $2,000 donation from the Plymouth Elks Lodge #2548 before the start of the February 19 regularly scheduled School Board meeting.

The Plymouth Elks Lodge received the grant from the National Elks Foundation as a reward for meeting the per capita membership goal for the 23-24 term.

Members of the lodge discussed and approved Argos Community Schools as the recipient of the Spotlight Grant to be used in their partnership with the Cultivate Food Rescue Program.

The Cultivate Food Rescue Program is currently in its second year at Argos Community Schools and uses leftover and unused food from area restaurants and establishments to provide nutritious, balanced frozen meals for students who don’t have access to meals over the weekend. Each individual meal is packaged and frozen so students can microwave when needed. Cultivate is currently serving Argos kids in grades K-8 and a small number of high school students.

Ned Speicher, Superintendent of Argos Schools, and Karra Duff, School Board Member accepted the donation on behalf of Argos Community Schools. 



