Wednesday is Bra Day at Rochester High School

The Outlet Youth Center is hosting another Bra Day at Rochester High School.

It's the 4th annual Bra Day at Rochester High School. The Outlet Youth Center runs this event along with support from the organization, “I Support The Girls”. During this event, female students can take one free bra along with a selection of feminine-related products, including feminine hygiene products.

All bras and products are completely free. RHS students attend this event completely voluntarily.

Girls can expect to be called down by grade and the first initial of their last name. Lindsay Brubaker will give a talk on how to wear a bra properly and what to look for when shopping for one. Brubaker will be happy to measure the girls if students don't know their bra sizes. Changing tents will be available for girls to try on.

This event is completely voluntary for the students, and no one is pressured to take any item they don’t want. Being measured is optional, too. This is meant to be an event for the girls of RHS to feel confident in who they are and help eliminate one less problem for a girl to worry about. The Outlet Youth Center has also  extended thanks to the Stacey Carvey-Schoenhals Foundation for sponsoring the event.




