Community News

Fulton County REMC volunteers at Fair Grounds

The employees of Fulton County REMC dedicated their Monday morning to volunteer at the Fulton County Fair Grounds. 

They undertook two significant projects to contribute to the fairgrounds improvement.  The first project involved wiring the hog building, and the second entailed the cleaning, painting, and weatherproofing of picnic tables. Additionally, a few outdoor lights received updates during our service efforts. Fulton County REMC would like to express gratitude to Bill Walsh for his valuable assistance with the wiring project.

  Fred McGlothin, TJ Garner 


  Lisa Bunn


Participating in the Community Day of Service has been a tradition for electric cooperatives nationwide, demonstrating commitment to the seven cooperative principles, one of which is “Concern for Community”. 


  Kelley Kitchen left, Debby Davis right


  Carrie Craig

Fulton County REMC takes great pride in supporting and giving back to both membership and the community.


Group photo left to right starting in the front row left - Carissa Ziemek, Linda Richardson, Debby Davis, Lisa Bunn, TJ Garner, Fred McGlothin, Brandon Wortley, Evan Howard, Evan Wildermuth, Rob Cripe.  Back row left Jordan Andrews, Cathy Grant, Kelley Kitchen, Carrie Craig, Dustin Stinson, Andrew Horstman, DJ Hopkins, Kyle Perkins, Cole Walters, Neal Kauffman.


Lisa Bun standing, Brandon Wortley, Andrew Horstman


Dustin Stinson, Cole Walters, Kyle Perkins



